Empowering Self-Care Practices for When You Feel Stuck in a Rut

We’ve all had those days (or weeks…) when you wake up feeling a little lacklustre in your business - or life - or both. You may feel as though your inspiration has dried up, your motivation is on a sharp decline and your usual sparks of joy are few and far between.

I’ve been there myself and while I’m definitely not immune to these lulls, I’ve learned how to recognize when I’m in them along with some healthy ways to move through them (beyond just indulging in Netflix and chocolate).

One of the biggest things to remember is that you’re not alone! Entrepreneurship can feel like a rollercoaster some days and sometimes we just need a little extra TLC.

Take a scroll through and save this blog post for the days when you need a little extra pick-me-up.

1. Remember it’s temporary.

When we’re feeling lacklustre - which actually means lacking in vitality, conviction and feeling uninspired - we often get so caught up in the state that we’re in that we can’t see beyond it and can end up feeling a little doomsday-ish. One thing that I’ve found helpful is to remind myself “This is temporary” and then think back to other times when I’ve felt stuck and been able to move through it.

This not only helps me feel more hopeful in the moment, but it allows me to give myself space, grace and focus on doing what I need to do to nurture and nourish myself in these moments.

2. Bring it back to basics.

One of the first things I do when I’m feeling less-than-stellar is take inventory of my basic needs:

  • Am I getting enough quality sleep?

  • Am I eating regular balanced meals?

  • Am I drinking enough water?

  • Am I getting enough movement, fresh air and sunshine?

  • Am I getting enough human connection with people I love?

I’ve realized that no matter how much the ideas and inspiration are flowing, if we’re not taking care of our basic human needs then we’re trying to build something on a weak foundation and it’s all bound to come crashing down at some point.

3. Move your body.

One thing that often accompanies feeling stuck in a rut is also getting stuck in your head listening to your own negative self-talk and repeating stories that aren’t serving you. This is when we need to get out of our head and back into our body.

There are countless scientific studies that outline the benefits of exercise to increase the feel-good chemicals in our brain and lift our mood, while also releasing pent-up energy and stress. Add in fresh air, sunshine or a change of scenery and you’re upping the feel-good antidotes even more.

4. Return to your breath.

Our breath is one of the most effective ways to activate our parasympathetic nervous system, which is what helps to regulate and calm our body and mind - and bonus, it’s free and always available to us!

There are several different calming breathwork techniques and one of my favs is box breathing. To practice box breathing you simply breath in through your nose for 4 counts, hold your breath for 4 counts, exhale through your nose or mouth for 4 counts and then hold for another 4 counts before repeating.

The beauty of breathwork is that you can do it anywhere, anytime and often without anyone noticing. Whether you choose to practice it in a more formal setting such as lying down or sitting on a meditation cushion with one hand on your belly and the other heart; or in a more informal way such as in the car or standing in line, you’ll be able to reap the calming benefits almost immediately.

5. Step back from social media.

Another thing that can sometimes suck the fuel out of our fire when we’re feeling “blah” is thinking that we’re the only ones who are feeling this way - especially as we sit back idly watching our friends and colleagues live their *absolute best lives* on social media.

In addition to getting sucked into the highlight-reel traps of social media, we’re also being inundated and overstimulated with endless information, which can lead to overthinking and rumination.

While social media can certainly be an incredible space to cultivate connections and find inspiration, if you notice that it’s leaving you feeling more anxious than anything, it might be time to set some limits or take a step back for a few days.

I actually delete my Instagram app on a regular basis to take breaks and then re-download it when I’m feeling refreshed and ready to re-engage.

6. Question your beliefs.

Sometimes we can find ourselves trapped in thought cycles or limiting beliefs that simply don’t serve u, such as: “Nobody wants to work with me”. Being able to recognize and reframe these thought patterns is paramount.

I love using Byron Katie’s “4 Liberating Questions” sequence to help notice and shift these limiting beliefs:

  1. Is it true?

  2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?

  3. How do you react when you believe that thought?

  4. Who would you be without the thought?

Here’s an example of this in action using the belief of “Nobody wants to work with me”.

  1. Is it true that NOBODY wants to work with me? Perhaps I might FEEL that way, but is it TRUE? Not likely…

  2. In case I did believe it was the absolute truth, this challenges me to really question the validity of that truth.

  3. When I believe the thought that no one wants to work with me I feel discouraged, paralyzed, I stop taking action, I stop putting myself out there and I pull back.

  4. Without that thought I recognize that there are probably people who DO want to work with me, but perhaps I need to clarify my messaging or try a different outreach approach. I’m also more creative, confident and open to other possibilities without that limiting belief.

The next time you’re feeling stuck, try this question sequence to shift your beliefs and open up new ways of thinking.

7. Focus on what’s going right.

We’ve all heard the adage “have an attitude of gratitude” and yet sometimes when we’re in a funk it can be a struggle to look on the bright side. We then end up feeling guilty on top of of it all for not feeling grateful for what we DO have.

One thing I’ve found helpful is to focus on everything that is going RIGHT. This practice has been incredibly effective in helping me shift out of the “everything sucks and nothing is working or going well” attitude and into the “things are okay” mentality.

Once I shift that energy I’m usually able to lean more into my attitude of gratitude.

8. Prioritize your joy.

This is by no means revolutionary, but it’s still effective: make a list of all of the things that spark a little joy in your life and try to infuse them into your days. Sometimes the smaller and easier they are, the better.

It could be as simple as a hot coffee, snuggles with your pet, curling up with a good book, sunshine on your skin, freshly washed sheets, listening to a feel-good podcast, watching a funny show, walks with a friend, a cozy bath, blasting your favourite music or getting lost in a hobby.

The point here is not to be productive, but to infuse little sparks of joy into your day that help to lift your spirits.

9. Learn something new.

Our brains LOVE novelty and one of the best ways to help the brain feel alive and excited is to learn something new.

Whether it’s a new hobby or skill, find something that piques your interest and pour yourself into learning all about it. The reason this works is because when we introduce something new it forces our brain to pay attention and find out more, which then triggers the release of dopamine in the brain as a reward and leads to feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation.

Just remember, this isn’t about mastery or perfecting anything, it’s about introducing something fresh and exciting to your brain to help switch things up and get those feel-good circuits firing.

10. Write yourself a “prescription”.

Most times when I’m not feeling like myself I already know some of the exact things that will help me feel better…

Things like moving my body, getting quality sleep, eating balanced meals, minimizing my screen time, drinking lots of water, limiting caffeine, taking my supplements, being present with my family, making time for creativity and getting lots of fresh air just to name a few… it just comes down to actually DOING them.

What I’ve started to do to help me take action (especially when I don’t feel like it) is writing out a list of these actions and then “prescribing” them to myself just as a doctor would, knowing that just like ‘medicine’ these small daily actions when done consistently will lead to me feeling better.

Another thing that has helped with these actions is instead of requiring ‘willpower’ or ‘discipline’, I try to think of them as ‘daily devotions’ to myself and everyday that I do them I continue to reinforce the habits and circuits in my brain which makes it easier to KEEP doing them.

11. Loosen your grip.

Whether you’re feeling stuck in your business or life in general, try to remember that sometimes the harder we grip onto something and force it, the more we suffocate the life out of it.

I find this to be especially true in my business. If I’m operating out of a place of fear, comparison, scarcity, etc. and trying to force ideas or inspiration, it feels as though I’m swimming against the current and inevitably leads to feelings of exhaustion and resentment.

On the other hand when I take a step back, shift my focus to something else that feels fun and fulfilling and allow whatever-it-is to breathe… the ideas and inspiration usually come flowing back effortlessly.

Sometimes the solution is to take a break, give it some space, do what you need to do to fill your cup and then come back to it.

12. Talk to someone.

One of the most powerful things we can do when we’re feeling low is to talk to someone we trust who can provide a friendly and non-judgemental ear to help us lighten the load that we’re carrying.

For you it might be a friend, a partner, a family member, a mentor, a coach or a colleague…

At the same time it’s important to remember that not everyone is trained to provide the support or advice that we might actually need and to acknowledge when it’s time to seek help from a professional such as therapist.

Seeking therapy has been one of the best things I’ve done and having that safe space to share openly, work through my blocks, gain a fresh perspective and leave feeing so much lighter has been life-changing for me.

Final thoughts…

At the end of the day I think it’s important for us to remember that there are various seasons of life and business and it’s all part of the entrepreneurial journey!

The same way that nothing in nature blooms year ‘round, we can’t expect ourselves to either.

So the next time you’re feeling stuck in a rut, I encourage you to give yourself some space and grace, bring it back to basics and remind yourself that this is temporary.



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