Books About Money That Every Entrepreneur Should Read


Things have changed a lot from when I first started my business in 2008 and was hard-pressed to find any books on entrepreneurship or money management that didn’t make my eyes glaze over with boredom. Fast forward to today and there are countless books available to help you manage your money and master your mindset.

Throughout my entrepreneurial journey there are a handful of money-related books that have made a direct impact on me and my business and that I tend to recommend to my clients, so I also wanted to share them with you!

The one thing these books all have in common is that they offer practical advice and tips that you can take and apply to your life and business right away - because who doesn’t love a little instant satisfaction?

Read on to see which books made my must-read list.


The Art of Money by Bari Tessler

I used to have an uncomfortable relationship with money and I often felt as though I didn’t truly have a handle on it or the knowledge of what to do with it, and as a result I would subconsciously resist making more it. I hated feeling this way, but at the same time I felt intimidated by all of the shame-focused, uber-masculine money guidance that was out there.

When I found and read The Art of Money by Bari Tessler it was a breath of fresh air and the gentle, loving guidance that I needed. Reading this book felt as though I was having a coffee with a good friend as she gently guided me through my own money blocks and taught me how to introduce practices that felt relaxing and nourishing instead of strict and stringent. This book completely changed my relationship with money and I am forever grateful for it.


Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield-Thomas

The biography on the back of this book describes the author as “a lazy self-made millionaire and un-busy mother of three”, which is a perfect synopsis of this book.

Denise Duffield-Thomas is a money mindset mentor who helps women release their fear of money, set premium prices and take control over their finances.

In this book she shares a ton of practical tips and exercises around various business models, pricing considerations and marketing strategies to help you think (and grow your business!) outside of the box.


Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

Once you’ve healed your money blocks with The Art of Money and then raised your prices and designed a business you love following the advice in Chillpreneur, it’s time to truly get a handle on your business finances.

Enter: Profit First by Mike Michalowicz. This book changed everything about the way I handle my business finances and made me feel like I actually knew what I was doing.

The incredibly simple yet effective approach to handling your finances teaches you how to divide your revenue based on certain percentages and use different bank accounts so you can prioritize your profit, pay yourself, control your expenses and save for taxes.

Most of the entrepreneurs that I work with birthed their business from a passion and then by the time it starts generating revenue they’re not really sure how they should be handling it - thankfully this book shows them how.


You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

For this book I actually listened to the audiobook last year and it felt like the kick in the pants that I needed.

Jen Sincero, the world renowned author of “Your Are a Badass” shares her own story of how she went from zero-to-hero when it comes to money and leaves you feeling like “If she can do it, so can I!”

In addition to helping you master the mindset of wealth, she shares tons of tangible advice in bite-size ways that make you feel (and believe) that anything is possible when it comes to growing your business and your bank account.


The Illusion of Money by Kyle Cease

If I’ve learned anything over my entrepreneurial journey it’s that when we focus on what lights us up and build our business around that, people will naturally be attracted to what we do and the money will flow from there.

On the flip side, when we put the emphasis around money and then try to mould our business around that, we start forcing things that don’t necessarily feel aligned and our business begins to waiver.

“This book is about eliminating the need to seek safety through the illusion of money, and learning to see ourselves for the perfection that we are--so that we can bring our gifts to the world in an authentic way, and allow ourselves to receive massive, true abundance as a result.”


I hope these books inspire you to fall in love with your business finances so you can earn more money with ease.

Now I’d love to know: which one are you going to read first?

DM me on Instagram and let me know! xx


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